Name before adoption: Noel
Name after adoption: Avon
Adoption date: June 6th, 2017
Breed: Mini beagle mix


*After the adoption

Thanks so much for checking in with the email!
Noel does have a new name! Her name is Avon! (She is a girl.)
She’s made a beautiful home here with me and my partner –, and we are so happy to have her in our lives! We just love her so much, we can barely contain ourselves! And she has adjusted very well and is very comfortable. Most nights, she sleeps in bed with us, when she’s not sleeping in her own, and she always wants to be near us and play during the day!
I am a teacher, and I have the summer off here, so there is almost always someone here to take her on walks and hang out with her.
We are so honoured and blessed to be her forever home! Thank you so much for doing what you do, and I hope you continue to make families like our own full and happy!
I’ve attached some pictures here; I sent some to Sandra before, but I will send more here.
Hi! Yes, of course, she is doing fantastically well and she is the love of our lives!


Here are some recent pictures.  Feb-28-2018


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